
Recognition is important to us. We take pride in recognizing all who support our Muskellunge Club of Wisconsin.
Use the Pay Now button to pay dues, banquet, and support stocking.
When’s the Next Event?
Club Banquet – March 3
MCW meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM. Below is the list of months when we’ll meet.
January, February, April, May, September, October, November
Club Banquet – March
MCW Lunker

Everyone’s a winner at MCW but once in a while, there’s a prize catch we can’t help but brag about.
Join the fun!
We bring people together
The Muskellunge Club of Wisconsin is a non-profit organization of anglers that promotes the conservation of a valuable Wisconsin natural resource, the Wisconsin state fish, the Muskellunge – Esox Masquinongy – for present and future fishing enjoyment of MCW members and the general public. MCW events encourage camaraderie, emphasize education and the encouragement of catch and release, and serve as fundraisers for stocking while recognizing, celebrating, and upholding the heritage of the club.
“This is a great club to get to know other Musky anglers. We also have a league night fishing Pewaukee Lake and the cool thing is you don’t need a boat to participate.”
Debbie Bernaden – MCW Member
Our promise to you
Education & Learning
Support & Camaraderie
Unlimited fun!

Our Legacy Lives On
Founded in 1953, the Muskellunge Club of Wisconsin (MCW) is the oldest fishing club in the world dedicated to muskies and muskie fishing. Our club’s long history has seen many changes in the sport with the wide acceptance of catch and release being one of the most notable and positive changes. We continue to make history with all the fun things we have to offer. Meetings with noted speakers, Milwaukee Muskie Expo, Annual Awards Banquet, Members-only Leagues, Club Outings, Muskie Stocking, Annual Swap Meet, Kids Camp, and more. Great things are happening at MCW – consider joining us so you can be a part of what we have going on.